1.If you were invited to an academic conference or were trying to impress a potential employer, a bit of pleonasm couldn't hurt.
2.Do not design a form letter and send it to every potential employer (you know what you do with junk mail! ).
3.A cover letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential employer, creating a critical first impression.
4.As a matter of fact, it's necessary and commonly understood to be part of the negotiation process between potential employer and employee.
5.Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good impression on a potential employer .
6.And how is a potential employer going to gauge whether you'd be a good fit for the company?
7.In cases like yours, there's only one good reason to call a potential employer: to sabotage your chances of getting the gig.
8.Double-click the first potential employer on your list, and then click the Categories button, located on the bottom right of the window.
9.Ask a potential employer to introduce you to your future co-workers either on the initial or secondary interview.
10.Double-click the next potential employer on your list, and then click the Categories button.